
Here you will find further topics related to the field of "constructive fire protection". We hope you enjoy browsing through the information below.

Section "fires"

The section "fires" deals with the prerequisites for a fire as well as the various fire room curves that we use in the fire design of members and structures.

Section "fire protection"

The section fire protection explains the various possible measures to avoid or fight fires. For example, here you can find the following articles:

Section "fire design"

In this section you will find some articles on the fire design of members and structures. First, we will introduce you to the basic method of fire design according to the currently valid Eurocodes.

For members out of reinforced concrete, we present you further information in the following articles.

Finally, you can find out more about the fire design of steel members in these articles below.

Section "fire-exposed materials"

The material properties of common building materials under fire exposure are explained in this section in the following articles:

Section "fire simulation"

Here are presented different possibilities for the fire simulation.

Section "fire tests"

This section deals with important fire tests.